


作者:jiaoyuchu来源:四十中学更新时间:2019-10-28 14:50:02

成功没有捷径 唯有自律和坚持

中文朗读者:1805贾安婷    指导老师:罗  琳

英文朗读者:1805白芮萱    指导老师:冯立园

如果你明天想攀登高峰 你必须今天开始行动

What you want to be tomorrow youve got to be today

我遇到的所有成功人士都十分严于律己Ive never met a person who was not successful that didnt have a great amount of self-discipline within their life.

严于律己 说到做到 认真规划生活 坚持不懈 言出必行 未雨绸缪 这些都是成功的要素

self-disciplinebeing able to performbeing able to keep your life on schedulebeing able to keep commitmentspromisesmeet deadlines is essential to success


I think the one thing that discipline definitely does help you with is it help you get things done

当你做完该做的事情 如期完成计划 成功的几率会更大

And when you get things done when you actually do things you have more success

自律方能自由 我拥有财务自由 是因为我严格遵守财务纪律

I have freedom because i have discipline. I have you know financial freedom because i have financial discipline

我一天拥有更多的时间 因为我每天很早就起床 很多人尚在酣睡时我早已苏醒

I have more time because i the discipline to get up in the morning. You know before most normal people get up

说道自律一词时我们首先会想到饮食和锻炼 这两点固然重要 但是自律会影响人生的方方面面

And i think normally when we talk about the word discipline we usually probably think about eatingexercise .and those are important areas but discipline affects every single solitary area of our lives

我们需要谨言慎行 我们需要深思熟虑 我们需要规划金钱 我们需要悉心思考娱乐活动

We have to discipline our mouths,we have to discipline our thoughts,we have to discipline what we do with our money, we have to discipline ourselves concerning entertainment


Every area of our life requires disciplineself-control

我时常告诫他人 注重日复一日的小事 因为人们下意识地认为这些不过是无足轻重的琐事

Now i often tell people to fix the things you repeat every day because people tend to think of those as trivial right

清晨起床 刷牙进餐 这些日常习惯已然根深蒂固 深入骨髓

You get out you brush your teeth you have your breakfast. You know you have your routines that you go through every day

人生一半的时间都是不厌其烦的重复 人们对此习以为常认为这些小事无需费心 这种想法大错特错

Well those probably constitute 50% of your life.  and people think well theyre mounted,i dont need to pay attention to them. Its like no no thats exactly wrong

这些日复一日的小事才是人生中举足轻重的事 其他事情不过是循规蹈矩

The things yo do every day those are most important things you do, hands-down all you  have to do is do the arithmetic.

面临选择时 你需要努力弥补自己的弱点,比如我说一个懒人,这其实是一个选择,我并非天生懒惰,我只是选择了懒散,因此我需要克服这个缺点

In areas of choice you need to work on your weaknesses.  For example lets say  i am lazy thats an area of choice i mean im not naturally lazy. Im just lazy its a choice so i need to work on that

当面临选择时你可以选择脱胎换骨 也可以选择贪图安逸

Because i in areas of choices, you can make vast improvementyou can make fast improve

举个例子 世上每一个人都可以将自己的天赋提升两个等级

So i for example a person can maybe increase their giftedness skill set maybe two numbers


So if im a little bit above average i was six, if i really work hard i can get become an eight.

But an eight is powerful eight has a huge return. So what i tell people is in areas of giftedness that where you have to work on your strengths.

如果我某项能力十分薄弱 只有两级水平即使我发愤忘食 也勉强只能达到四级 因此我劝告他人 你必须扪心自问付出是否能得到回报

If im a two in something im very weak in a skill,if i worked hard i could only become a four .thats what i tell people you gotta ask yourself is it going to give me the return.

在天赋方面我们一定要守己之短 尽其所长

So in the area of strength youve got to pour yourself into the things that youre already good at.


Because they dont really set you apart from average.

但是在面临选择时 一定要克服自我缺点

But in areas of choices go for those weaknesses

我们都知道 有很多人天赋异禀 但是他们自由散漫,缺乏自律

Because dont you know people that are highly skilled, but they have a lousy attitudetheyre not self-disciplined,and theyre never gonna get anywhere.

因为他们不明白这个道理 在面临选择时 一定要 克服自我缺点

Theyre not going to get anywhere because they didnt ,so in areas of choices work on your weaknesses.


Thats what its all about.

坚持才是胜利 成功不是灯火通明 万众瞩目时的星星作态 而是空无一人时的汗水岑岑

Its about being committed inside of here,not when the lights are on not when the crowd is cheering, but what do we do when no ones watching

人生关乎态度 而非姿态

Thats a lifestyle thats not an event.


