

Beautiful Sunshine in T.I.P

作者:admin来源:四十中学更新时间:2010-10-08 08:45:00


2010912--101英语组的刘颖、杜薇两位老师代表我校参加了为期20天的ESEC--北京大学T.I.P 40期英语培训班。此培训主要针对全国中小学英语教师开展,为每一位学习者创造全封闭的英语环境,在培训基地内,全外教授课,形式新颖,活动多样,利用环境来做语言教学,如置身美国般“不出国门的留学”。通过对英语口语全天候的运用与学习,对英语教学法的探讨与实践,以及和全国各地老师们的交流与合作,我校两位老师出色的完成了培训任务,以优异的表现荣获结业证书,为我校增光添彩。


During the beautiful season, I have the honor of participating in the T.I.P. in Peking University. It brings me a lot of sweet memories, I learn much there and get lots of benefits.

Here are three steps in T.I.P., which are the most important and unforgetable for me:

A-B-C’s of oral English.

A—Attack my limitations.

    In order to learn English well, I totally immerse myself in English environment. Speaking English every day and everywhere makes me improve a lot, and use English to express easily and naturally. We should ask in English, talk in English, listen to others in English and even dream in English. So attack my limitation in attitude and action, then bring me to a better learner.

B---Build my confidence.

   Attitude is everything! Through telling myself daily “I can do it”, encouraging one another “Good job”, reading the morning motivational articles, I become positive and make many friends.

C---Commit myself.

   In T.I.P., we have activities from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. And also many strict rules for us. But just because of them, and the help of the facilitators and other teachers, I can keep good habits of writing English summaries and journals, and thinking in English ways.

I really want to thank our school for giving me the opportunity to learn English and the teaching methods, to take part in the creative activities, to improve myself. The training has ended, but I believe the spirit of it can go along with me! I’ll try my best to do better , make my students happier and more interested in English than before, create favorable and cheerful English atmosphere of learning. Bring more and more beautiful sunshine to my class!













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